Why do we work 9 to 5 until we are 65?  Why is it most common to work 45 years only to get maybe 5 good years?  Why isn’t financial literacy a focus in high school, college, or life in general?  There are unfortunate truths behind all of this, but it doesn’t have to be this way.  It’s time to take back control, we live in a different era, financial freedom is closer than you think…

FIVES stands for Financial Independence Vs. Endless Struggle and is simple framework for helping people design their best life.

My name is Paul LaBlanc, co-host of the Life In Twenty podcast with my two teenagers. I’m an advocate for the financial underdog, redefining wealth through financial literacy. I help unfool hard working humans from a broken system by showing them how to reach financial independence, shave 5 years off the 9 to 5 grind, and reach financial freedom earlier than they could have ever imagined.

I created the Weekly FIVES to prevent people from falling further behind by taking complex market conditions and simplifying for financial underdogs like you and me, and anyone 15-75, to easily understand.   To be honest, I’m still on the journey myself.  Its taken me nearly 50 years to gain clarity around markets, investments, and early retirement goals and it just feels right to be my life purpose the rest of the way, to help others, or maybe just you.

This first episode introduces my mission and purpose for the weekly concept and tees up the FU (Financial Underdog) Challenge – $500k in 5 Years, picking and sticking with 5 stocks, with the goal of contributing $5k to my FU fund each month.  As you can see, everything in FIVES.

If this episode moves you in any way, please share with friends, family, your teenage kids, and tune in next week. Thank you!

Find the Life In Twenty & Weekly FIVES podcasts two ways:
1. our website: www.lifeintwenty.com
2. download our podcast to your phone, give us a follow to receive new episodes automatically – we’d be super grateful if you left a review 🙂

Follow Paul’s FU Challenge ($500k in 5 years) @lifeintwenty on Twitter
@lifeintwentypodcast on Instagram

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FIVES: Financial Independence Vs. Endless Struggle. No More 9 to 5 until 65.

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